How to Make My Snake Plant Grow Faster

How to Make My Snake Plant Grow Faster

Learn how to make your snake plant grow faster

Amongst the plant community, snake plants are a very well-known plant due to the low maintenance needs that makes perfect as one of the first plants to start collecting! Snake plants have beautiful foliage and provide air purification within their spaces. 

Based off plant science, snake plants do not go about photosynthesis as the average plant, otherwise snake plants are considered CAM plants (Crassulacean acid metabolism) meaning that the snake plant absorbs carbon. This also means that during the day the stomata part of the snake plants, is closed during the day and opens up during the nighttime. Being aware of this information about snake plants Is vital because understanding how the plant undergoes these processes, helps us create the best environment, to change the adaptation process of photosynthesis for snake plants to grow much faster. 


Repotting plants, in most cases, usually is the “go-to” solution or action we take when it comes to wanting more growth with most plants. Yet when it comes to snake plants, that is when the game changes! Yes, I know snake plants are starting to break our general rules. The more space the snake plants have in the pot, the slower the growth is, so deciding on the correct pot size is very crucial when wanting to see fast growing results. When potting a snake plant, make sure that the pots are small where there is enough room for the roots to grow, but NOT too big where you would have to wait months before seeing growth!  Snake plants favor having compacted spaces, in which they start to thrive with growth. 

Snake plants do better in soil that has good drainage, because they are very prone to root rot, which is prevented when the water has the capability to dry out. The pots for snake plants should be ones that absorb moisture, helping the soil dry out quicker. The ones that do these bests are terra cotta planters because the material absorbs moisture. 

SOIL is also a great thing to keep in mind because different soils absorb moisture at different rates, and we want to make the most comfortable home. When choosing the soil, cactus mix usually is one of the best if you do not want to make your own mix. Cactus mix contains sand, soil, and small pebbles which helps the percolation of the water. if you want to create your own mix, make sure to add soil, perlite and a bit of sand and mix it well before putting it into the pot. 


Yes, snake plants are easy to take care of, do not require much water, and can survive in drought and low light conditions, but in result you will get slow growth. This is perfect in preference for just aesthetics but not for promoting growth. When wanting to create the perfect environment to promote rapid growth in snake plants, here is the solution! WARNING, we will be breaking the normal rules of caring for a snake plant. 

As we mentioned earlier, the snake plants are classified as CAM plants, so to see fast growth, we will need to turn OFF CAM and get the snake plant to adapt to different system! As complicated as this sounds, you will be surprised on how easy it is. 

Once you have the snake plant in a pot that is well compacted in a small enough size, with well-drained soil. We will begin to place the plant where it can get lots of light! It is best to consider an area with lots of light during the day but AVOID direct sunlight to avoid sun burns of the leaves. This way the plant will start to adapt to the sun more, causing to emerge into the processes of photosynthesis. So, the two biggest factors to adjust is the watering frequency and the amount of light that the snake plant is exposed to. 

When starting this transition with your snake plant, it should be a gradual change that way the plant can ease its way into its new processes. Watering should be increased, not too often but about once every 15-20 days making sure the soil is drained well and dried up. This will start inducing the photosynthesis process making the plant “work” more, helping the snake plants grow fast.

If your snake plants are showing signs of droopy leaves, this means that the plant is under-watered, and can be saved! This is also the case if the leaves show signs of ripples or a veiny look, they are asking you for water!! 


  • Snake plants are CAM plants, so the goal is to adjust this system to photosynthesis by increasing exposure to light, and slightly increasing the watering frequency  

  • Snake plants like compact spaces, so the smaller the pot the better to promote growth

  • Make sure to have a good drainage system including for the snake plants’ home, moisture absorbing pots and soil

  • These solutions for your snake plant growth, will speed up the process of growth noticeably, and you will have a thriving snake plant! Patience is virtue! Let the plant take in its’ new world and expand its roots. Keep your eyes opened to see signs of under-watering or sun burns to adjust the environment, as needed to not hurt your snake plant! 



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    Tha k you so much, so much useful guidance


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